Information Systems Non-Thesis Master's Degree Program / Course Content


ECTS Information Package / Course Catalog

Preparatory Courses

Students who have not taken a formal training about the program prerequisite subjects, must take following courses :




BBS514 Structured Programming (3 0 3)

Basic concepts of computer programming. Problem formalization and developing algorithms and flowcharts using stepwise refinement method. Other fundamental concepts related to structured programming. Data types and variable definitions. Basic control structures. Conditional and looping structures. Function concept. Single and multi dimensional arrays in programming languages. File operations. Pointers.


BBS515 Object Oriented Programming (3 0 3)

Object oriented programming basic concepts. Introduction to learning of an object oriented programming language. Class, object, inheritance, polymorphism, abstract class and interface, exception handling concepts.


BBS516 Data Structures and Algorithms (3 0 3)

Recursive algorithms, recursive relations, introduction to the concept of algorithm analysis. Multidimensional/triangular/band/sparse matrix representations. Stack and queue data structures, prefix/infix/postfix expressions. Single/double (circular) linked lists. Binary tree, binary search tree, recursive and iterative binary tree traversals, generalized lists, guided binary trees. Heaps, priority queues, data structures for disjoint sets. Selection, insertion, bubble, counting, quick, merge, heap, radix sorting algorithms and their analysis. AVL trees.


Program Courses


For non-thesis master’s degree in Information Systems 32 credit is required. Each student must take totally 12 courses during program; one courses are non credit, 11 courses are credit. Non credit courses, seminar, must be taken after completion of credit courses.

Dönem Projesi




BBS695 Term Project (1 2 2)

Studying of the term project based on technical principles.

Elective Courses




BBS632 Database Systems (3 0 3)

General look to database sistems, Entity-Relationship Model and Database Design, Relational Model, Integrity Constraints and Normalization, Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus, SQL: The standard database language, object oriented model, object oriented systems, object-relational systems, physical structures and storage.


BBS633 System Analysis and Modeling (3 0 3)

Basic phases of software development. Object-oriented analysis and design concepts, and the Unified Modeling Language (UML). UML views and diagrams. Use-case, activity, class, package, interaction, state, component, and deployment diagrams. The object-oriented development process and recommended usage of UML diagrams. Example resolutions of software systems.


BBS635 Internet Technologies and Applications (3 0 3)

Protocols, data exchange formats and methods. Architectures and architectural components developed for Internet applications. Tools for developing Internet applications. Performance issues for Internet applications. Security topics. Information search infrastructure and tools for Internet. Some popular Internet applications.


BBS636 Web Design (3 0 3)

HTML: Evolution of HTML and its relation with similar technologies, syntax of HTML as a markup language, basic tags, formatting, links, frames, tables, lists, forms, images. Design With Multimedia Content: Flash. CSS: Introduction, CSS syntax, styling with CSS. Client Side Scripting: JavaScript. Introduction to Server Side Scripting and Dynamic Content Management. Browser Independent WEB Design


BBS640 User Interface Design (3 0 3)

User-friendly and ergonomic user interface(UI) design, basic theory of UI, prototypping, rich internet applications, end-user programming, programming by demonstration, visual programming, hypermedia, information visualization, and collaborative software.


BBS642 System Engineering (3 0 3)

System engineering viewpoint, Technical products, Systems engineering responsibilities and products, Software project planning and control, Software design and development, Project management plan, Project time planning, Business diffraction tree, Software metrics, Earned value analysis method, System engineering management, System engineering management plan, Integrated product development, Risk management, Systems analysis, System analysis methodologies (structured, object-oriented), Operating concept document, System requirements, Process of identifying needs, Risk analysis.


BBS644 Introduction to Technology Management (3 0 3)

Concepts and methods associated with software to support technological decisions, Basic concepts in the management of technology and applications in the field of software engineering, Technology infrastructure, Integration of technology and strategy, The use of advanced technology.


BBS646 Operating Systems (3 0 3)

Basic operating systems concepts, Input/Output subsystem, Process Management, Process syncronization, Memory management, File management, Distributed processing and network infrastructure, Operating systems security


BBS651 Software Engineering (3 0 3)

Basic concepts of software engineering. Types of computer systems and the software as a part of them. The relation of software engineering to the systems engineering. The scope of software engineering: Software development (analysis, design, coding, and test), software engineering management, software configuration management, software engineering processes, software engineering tools and methods, and software quality assurance. Software metrics and software cost estimation. Cost of software quality. Software development process models and process reference models.


BBS652 Software Architectures (3 0 3)

Basic concepts on software architectures. Software architecture concepts and stakeholders, software architecture development process, architectural requirements analysis, modeling of software architectural design. Architectural viewpoints and perspectives. Functional, information, development, concurrency, deployment, and operation viewpoints. Evolution, security, performance and scalability, and availability and resilience perspectives. Architectural styles/patterns. Comparison and evaluation of architectural design methods. Software product-line architectures, domain modeling and domain engineering.


BBS653 Database Design and Management (3 0 3)

Design and Definition of Databases, Controlling Database Access:Users, User Rights and Roles, Monitoring Database Systems, Distributed Database Systems, Query Optimization and Processing, Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control.


BBS654 Data Warehouse and Data Mining (3 0 3)

Concepts of data mining,Data preprocessing,Principal components analysis,Clustering,Classification,Prediction,K-nearest neighbor algorithm, Decision trees,Artificial neural networks,Association rules.


BBS656 Object Oriented Software Development (3 0 3)

Design patterns in OOP. Benefits, focuses, principles of design patterns; pattern classification, anti-pattern approach, architectural patterns, case studies


BBS669 Image Processing (3 0 3)

Image formation,Point operations and histogram processing,Spatial filtering techniques,Frequency domain approaches, Image smoothing,Edge detection,Image segmentation


BBS671 Software Development For Real-Time Systems (3 0 3)

The basic consepts of realtime systems, realtime operating systems, software development methods for realtime systems, realtime UML, realtime design patterns, examples of target platforms and realtime operating systems.


BBS672 Software Development For Parallel Computers (3 0 3)

Introduction to parallel computer architecture. Data communication on parallel computer. Program development process. Common problems that require parallel processing and solution types. Parallel programing error detection methods. Event tracking, imaging analysis methods and tools on parallel programs.


BBS674 Information Systems Project Management (3 0 3)

Project definition and project phases,Project organization structures,Work breakdown structure,Project time planning,Project resource planning, Project budget,Project risk analysis,Project evaluation and project closure


BBS676 Data Communication and Computer Networks (3 0 3)

Basic data communication terms, Data link and physical layers, Network layer, Transport layer, Application layer, Wireless networks


BBS677 Computer and Network Security (3 0 3)

Basic security principles, security threats, basic cryptography knowledge, cryptography based security protocols, authentication/authorization, operating system security, introduction to network security