Mission and Vision

Our mission as Hacettepe University Informatics Institute:

We are committed to pioneering developments at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, decision sciences and data analytics. Through rigorous research, interdisciplinary collaboration and effective innovation, we strive to unravel the complexities of information processing and empower society with transformative technologies. Our mission is to cultivate an active community of academics, researchers and practitioners who push the frontiers of informatics forward and make profound contributions to academia, industry and society.


Our vision as Hacettepe University Informatics Institute:

Empowering the future with advanced informatics research, Hacettepe University Informatics Institute envisions a world where advanced computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, decision sciences and data analytics converge to address complex challenges and enrich human life. As a global leader in informatics, we aim to foster innovation, support inclusive technological solutions, and inspire the next generation of thinkers and pioneers. Through our visionary research and collaborative spirit, we aim to shape a sustainable and equitable future where knowledge turns possibilities into reality.